The data you need may already exist. We can help you find it.Plex has developed a novel AI-driven analytical platform for scientists that puts the underlying scientific data front and center -- transparently -- for you to see.
With Plex, scientists can answer complex drug discovery questions by Plex's identification of convergences in analyses of far-flung, disparate raw data sources. Plex combs through and pieces together clues & hidden connections for you from massive amounts of data including small molecule bioactivities, gene expression profiles, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, perturb seq data, clinical trial information, and much more. ...and introducing AutoPlex:Plex has integrated Large Language Model (LLM) technology, dramatically increasing its power, and enabling intelligent, autonomous workflows that will lead to a massive acceleration in research productivity. We're excited for the possibilities this creates and know you will be, too.
Watch a 90-second demo video featuring AutoPlex:
See a drop-the-mic moment where AutoPlex is able to respond to a moonshot prompt with an autogenerated slide deck of results, including specific supporting experimental data--all in less than an hour.